Imbolc: February 1st, 2025
Come sunlight! Come, promise of warmth and growth! The time of Imbolc has come, softly singing wakefulness to the winter-dreaming heart.
Magical to be back in schools with my storytelling residencies…there is just nothing like the joy that is found there! So looking forward to the adventures ahead!
There are two more Wynterlude events yet to come - Feb 15 and March 15. If you are looking for a little grounding, meditation and renewal, perhaps I will see you then.
The time of the longest nights has been very rich in the creative flow. I have touched on the longer term projects I have been working on…but this past Autumn saw some interesting changes in focus for me.
I have long found tremendous inspiration in the Bees, and loved creating the album ‘The Honey Roads’. But I am not quite finished with the creative work there.
My big musical projects have always been partnered with bigger story projects…it was tricky to find that story connection around the Bees. Bees have always been honoured by different cultures…but there are astonishingly few folktales that have Bees as more than a passing moment or plot device.
So my researches into the Irish Saint Gobnait (Ireland’s Bee Saint) have taken me into very rich places. There are so many legendary vignettes about her intimate connection with Bees, and how she wove that into the life to which she was called.
The artwork and illustrations I have been working on have captured my heart, and it has been delightful to create narratives around her great adventures. Very little is actually known about the details of her life (not even date of birth or death)…but the stories are delightful.
I have been pulling my draft work into creating a series of live performances, telling tales of her life. The first performance will be on February 11, 2025 (St Gobnait’s Feast day). That house concert is completely sold out.
The second performance will be March 22, 2025, with details to come. This will be a series of events, so I hope to see you soon at one of the concerts!
And - the stories will be woven through my summer course at Sorrento Retreat Centre this summer as well.
It is my hope that the lengthening days find you well and happy, and that our paths cross soon!
Winter Solstice: December 21, 2024
The shortest day of the year, and the wintry world sings for the rebirth of the sun’s warmth. I love the time of Midwinter, and all the familiar traditions of hearth and home.
The adventures with storytelling in schools have been truly delightful, and I so grateful to be able to do this work that I love.
In the long nights, I have been busy with the new music I have been working on. The songs are sweet, and sing of the sweetness of the winter season. I have also been immersed in writing and artwork around Ireland’s bee saint, St Gobnait. Little is know about the facts of her life in the late 5 century, but the folk stories of her accomplishments are delightful. And all are anchored in the magic of a life lived with bees.
It is my hope that this little update finds you wrapped in the sweetness of your own annual traditions, and that our paths cross again soon.
Samhain: November 1, 2024
The time of the long nights has come once more - and the season of candlelight, snow and story begins.
The honeybees are settled now into their winter clusters, and the new bumblebee queens have found their spaces to overwinter.
I often think of the time of Samhain as being the beginning of the Dreaming time.
It has been joyful to be out in schools with the magic of stories! It is one of the great highlights of the work I get to do.
In the quieter times between sessions in schools, I have been immersed in my current creative projects.
The visual and writing work around An Cailleach and the Bees is so satisfying.
I continue to work on finishing my fourth illustrated book - a seasonal tale which will now be released in the autumn of 2025.
And settling in for the recording work around some winter music I have long loved.
If you are looking to hear some wintry music, perhaps I will see you at one of my upcoming ‘Wynterlude’ events at the Water Valley Arts & Wellness centre. All the details are on the ‘events’ page.
I trust that your own creative Dreaming is rich and satisfying, and hope our paths will cross soon.
Autumn Equinox: September 22nd, 2024
The time of the bright winter stars has come once more - and it is delightful to be back in the storytelling season once more. The bumblebees are finishing their glorious summer cycle, and it has been amazing to see one or two of the new queens dancing in the last of summer’s warmth.
I am so excited to be back working with students in schools! There is so much joy in the work, and there is nothing quite like stories coming to life on the strings of the Celtic harp.
This past summer was magic. It was quite amazing to have time to paint and draw each day, and to allow all the new music to settle into the strings of my harp.
There are many projects on the go at the moment, and the change of seasons will help everything settle - although I will truly miss my outdoor studio.
I hope that you find yourself carrying the many gifts of summer into the time of the long nights, and hope our paths cross soon!
Lughnasadh: August 1st, 2024
Summer is in full flow, yet a shift can be felt in the flow of the days. The song of the harvest begins to sound. Deep in the woods, the activity of the Bees now has a different rhythm.
What a gift the past weeks have been. A simple, beautiful flow of timeless time. With the long stretch of sun and heat here on the prairies, there have been daily hours of painting and drawing with my easel out in the shade. None of the new visual work is ready to be shared, but I am delighted with the slowly developing visuals around both Bumblebees and An Cailleach.
I have paused the recording work for a bit. It has been kind of wonderful to just spend time each day savouring playing for enjoyment. The harp ALWAYS sounds best outside…and I have been rediscovering what a gift music is in my life.
The only project now getting closer to a release is my fourth illustrated book. It is something of a departure for me. A simple, playful seasonal story that I wrote a couple of Christmases ago. It is called ‘Elfabet Cadet’ - a playful tale about a Christmas elf who spends a little time in a kindergarten classroom before the winter holidays.
I am completing the final illustrations now, and have already started work on the book layout. It will be fun to have this one ready to go as the snow starts to return.
It is my hope that Joy has found and travelled with you this summer, and look forward to our paths crossing soon.
Summer Solstice: June 20, 2024
The Enchantment of Summer has now begun, and the world is infused with a song of wild beauty out here in the woods.
It was delightful to play at Water Valley Celtic Festival this year…I love that little festival.
My schools storytelling season was just magical this past year, and I am so looking forward to the adventures next school year.
But for now - it is the Timeless flow of the summer season that embraces me.
I am now deep in wild, wonderful magic of summer creation time. In addition to completing work on my 4th illustrated book, I am at work on two new visual projects.
One, a simple winter tale. Although I have mapped it all out with language, this project is quite different. It is coming together more in a series of watercolour paintings in a big, beautiful handmade blank book I bought as a way of celebrating my book release in March of this year. Who knows where this one will go!
The second big project is all around Bumblebees. The Bees have been anchors in my shamanic work for decades now, and I find near endless inspiration in their wise ways. So, I am at work writing and painting a Bumblebee project.
A third place of magic is in the winter mythology of An Cailleach. Over the past 2 years, I have worked deeply with the myths, and am excited to be developing a visual language around the power and rhythms of winter..
It is such a gift when the tides of Inspiration are running high!
I am hoping this little update finds you well, and savouring the magic in your own little corner of the world.
Beltane: May 1, 2024
The celebration of Bright Fire has arrived, and all the natural world awaits the sweetness of the green and growing season. And the snow came wild and whirling for days! But out in the woods, the bumblebee queens are waking, and soon - Bee Time will have begun once more.
My gratitude for the support and kind words about the new illustrated book! Half of the first run of books is now gone, and it truly is exciting to have years of creative work released into the world.
The storytelling residencies for this school year are now beginning to wind down - and each one of them has been filled with such amazing moments. I am in discussion with a number of schools already for the next school year, and looking forward to all the adventures ahead.
The Water Valley Celtic Fest is coming up mid-June, and it would be wonderful to see you there!
In the meantime, I am happy to be popping in and out of the studio with all the wintersongs I have been working with, as well as heading into the final illustrations for my fourth book (a sweet seasonal story).
I trust you are finding your own joys in the daily, and hope that our paths cross soon!
Spring Equinox:
March 19, 2024
Hooray! Spring has officially begun - with a big 5 day snowstorm here in Alberta! And it is delightfully beautiful. The bees continue their grand Dreaming towards summer.
I am truly excited - the test proof of my brand new illustrated book arrived today! It is impossible to put into words how amazing it is to finally see countless hours of creative madness finally shine between the covers!
The kindle and PDF versions are all ready to go, and I have some preview videos ready…I just need to do some quick image adjustments (there are always wee adjustments to account for the parts of the double page illustrations that are swallowed up where the centre of the book is stitched together) - but the final physical versions will be on the way to me by the end of this week.
For now, you can click on the cover image for the purchase link, and have a copy on its way to you in not time!
For now, that is my big, happy news! I am hoping your own life is full of moments worth celebrating, and look forward to our paths connecting as the sweet sunlight brightens our way towards the warm season of the year.
Imbolc: February 1st, 2024
In the sweet flow of the seasons, the turning comes to the mid point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. The bees are still deep in their winter dreaming out here in the woods - but the lengthening days are a delight.
It has been wonderful to be storytelling in schools, and I am so looking forward to adventures still ahead this school year. There are still dates open in my calendar - so if your school is looking for some story magic on the strings of the harp, I would love to join you this year!
Creatively, this has been a very exciting time. All of the illustrations for my third illustrated book are now complete. Hooray! I am delighted with how the visuals have turned out!
I am just finishing the first draft of adding text to image. Over the next weeks, there will be some adjustments (screen to page is a bit finicky), but I am happy that the new book will be released before the wintry weather fades into warmth.
I am slowly recording new music as well. There is no set timeline in my head - but it is a treat to be working on one new recording each week. I have the harp tracks done for several pieces, and will start working with some vocals soon.
Thank you to those who have made it out to the monthly ‘Wynterlude’ events here in Water Valley. If you are looking for a little renewing and grounding meditative escape, the final winter event is March 10.
May the growing sunlight find you inspired and nourished in tending your own creative projects!
Winter Solstice:
December 21, 2023
The deepest of nights, the briefest of days - Wynter’s Heart holds many gifts.
Delighted to be slowing down for the time of the longest nights…the adventures in schools with harp and story have been such a gift this past Autumn. Very much looking forward to the adventures ahead beginning mid-January!
Two illustrated books are now in the layout phase. At moment in the work, I always miss the feel of brush or pencil on paper - but the digital arrangements of image and text have a different kind of magic in them.
I am also now formally recording some of the Wynter songs I have been working with over the past year, and the time immersed in the flow of song is very rich.
If you are looking for a moment to recharge and renew, you might be drawn to the ‘Wynterlude’ events at the Water Valley Arts & Wellness Centre. 4 Saturday afternoons December through March of 2024 - with simple grounding meditations followed extended sound relaxations with harp, crystal bowls, and the sweet sounds of the shruti box ( lovely Indian drone instrument) and voice.
Information about the Wynterlude events is on both the ‘events’ page and the ’spirit’ page.
I am hoping you are immersed in the many gifts in the flow of your own life, and finding inspiration as the seasons change.
Samhain: November 1, 2023
There is a gentleness to the turning of the old Celtic year…it is a time of both celebrating and letting go of what was - in order to prepare for what now comes into being.
It has been delightful to return to my storytelling residency work in schools! It is one of my favourite things, and working with students and teachers never fails to inspire me. I am so looking forward to all of the adventures ahead this school year.
In my creative work outside of schools, there is a new flow. I am nearing completion of visual layouts of my third illustrated book. It will be all completed for release in the first quarter of 2024. The other illustrated book in the works is a sweet Christmas story that will be completed at the same time - though it will be held for release in the autumn of 2024.
In my work with music, it is an exciting time. For the past 13 months, I have been completely immersed in researching and exploring both early music (Medieval and Renaissance) as well as seasonal winter music. It has been a place of never-ending discovery all through the turns of the seasons. I have created far more arrangements than I had planned. The music is now settling into final arrangements, and I have begun recording at the studio here.
If you are looking to hear some seasonal music, perhaps I will see you when I play at the Christmas market in Water Valley on November 18th…Or at one of my upcoming ‘Wynterlude’ events at the Water Valley Arts & Wellness centre. All the details are on the ‘events’ page.
Sending Blessings your way, and hoping to connect with you in person sometime soon.
Autumn Equinox:
September 23rd, 2023
Sun arcing overhead,
Leaves descending to cloak the earth,
The long nights begin.
I love the sweetness of the change in the seasons…there is song in the cooler nights - a duet between the Enduring & the Ephemeral…
I am delighted to now be back storytelling in schools for another season of residencies! I have missed the magic of this work over the summer break.
I spent much of the summer working on two new illustrated books. The visual projects never seem to fit into my timelines for release - as they have a mind of their own! But the artwork is completely done for both of them…and I am now working on the visual layout.
It has also been delightful to feel some new music coming to readiness for recording. I have been working for nearly a year on a collection of winter music, and I really love where things are at in the arrangements. I’ll work with these songs in the studio a little at a time over the winter - rather than a big span of time recording everything at once.
I hope your summer adventures were sweet and bright, and look forward to our paths crossing soon.
Lughnasadh: August 1st, 2023
In the simple flow of summer, the song of the Harvest begins to sound through the landscape. It is a change seen in the patterns of the bees through meadow and blossom, dancing on the summer winds.
It is a song of small shifts in tone and timbre…the slowly shortening days…the changes in the riot of blossom and greenery…the shift in the birdsong through the woods.
And it is a glorious thing.
This summer has been a time spent focussed in the here and now - away from screens as much as possible.
It has been lovely to immerse myself in the work with images in bringing two new illustrated books closer to completion. Although I loved all of the energy of launching the new album into the world, I have missed the simple rhythms of paintbrush and paper.
It is my hope that this summer has brought many golden moments your way, and I look forward to our paths crossing soon.
Summer Solstice: June 21, 2023
Summer Solstice arrives, bringing much needed rain to the deep woods here.
My schedule slows down now, and opens into the grace of the slow rhythms of Summer.
I look forward to simple rhythms of time between the pines, and the slow rhythms of paintbrush on easel and harpsong in the shade.
May Summer’s bounty bring to you the rhythms that soothe and renew.
Beltane: May 1, 2023
The midway point between equinox and the summer solstice has arrived with the most surprising surge of greenery. Beltane is usually a little on the snowy side here…but not this year.
The Bumblebees are out, and I look forward to the constant presence of the bees in the months ahead.
Summertime temperatures will flow through the week ahead, with the culmination of a spectacular storytelling residency at Brentwood School in Calgary.
How I adore the storytelling work I get to do in schools.
As the time of the awakening natural world arrives, I am in a quieter space creatively. It was such a joyful thing to have the new music on ‘The Honey Roads’ make its way out into the world. I will plan for a small release event in the next while, and make room for the quiet space that always comes following the release of something that has taken a great deal of time and energy over the past few years.
As my storytelling work in schools winds down for this school year, I will complete work on the two illustrated books I am in the midst of…and do a little recording of the wintry music that has come over the snowy months of this year.
I look forward to our paths crossing soon!
Spring Equinox:
March 20, 2023
With the coming of the Spring Equinox, the delight of strong sun returns. The lengthening days are a welcome thing, and I look forward to the return of the warm and growing seasons.
It has been delightfully busy with school storytelling residencies…this work is just the most joyful thing.
Along with the magic of story and the wisdom of children, it has been an exciting time with the new music.
CKUA radio in Alberta has been incredibly supportive with airplay and interviews, and I have been so grateful for their support. The new album even rose to number 12 on their airplay charts.
And - the physical CD is now available! I know that many people just do digital music these days…but you would be surprised how many people still prefer a physical product.
Along with the new CD’s, there are a few items of beauty that I have created to go along with the release. You can find all the details over on the ‘store’ page.
For now, my focus is on the storytelling work in schools…but I am also starting to explore some possibilities for a small concert or two to properly release the new music.
I am hoping the growing spring sunlight finds you well and happy, and hope our paths cross soon!
Imbolc: February 1st, 2023
The pilgrimage of Winter now brings us to Imbolc - the midway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. The bees are deep within their winter cluster still…but the days have grown longer, and the sun time will come again.
Well, a special day for me has arrived, and my new album is now available digitally for purchase and for streaming!
The sale of physical CD’s will begin soon.
Inspired by the Honeybee, ‘The Honey Roads’ is an album of music for sweet dreaming…
and even sweeter dancing.
For me, release day is a letting go…with a heart full of gratitude.
For - amazing things have been happening along the way in this journey with the beautiful new music.
The album has 15 tracks (with two bonus tracks), rich with Harp, Violin, Percussion and Voice.
Now, it is time for the music to simply go where it goes,
however it gets there…
Rather like the flight
of the foraging Honeybee
in the warm afternoon sun.
Bees are a profoundly beautiful example
of making the
The first bees completely changed the course of the development of this planet millions of years ago.
And they have been devastated - by us - just in the course of my lifetime.
One dollar from the sale of every physical CD will go to organizations that are working to educate people about how to rework things to help strengthen the Bees once more.
I am now in the midst of the busiest stretch of the year with storytelling residencies (and it is SO much fun!)…so I will look to the warmer time of the year for a little album release concert.
I am hoping the growing daylight finds you well and strong, and look forward to our paths crossing soon!
Winter Solstice:
December 21, 2022
The official start of Winter has arrived, fierce and clear. The longest nights of the year bring their gifts of Dreaming. The bees are deep in the Dreaming of the Winter Cluster now, and dreaming of the golden sunshine's return.
It has been an adventurous autumn, and the residency work in schools has been so delightful. I look forward to heading out into schools once more in January.
The brand new album ‘The Honey Roads’ is being mixed and mastered right now. I have had a chance to hear some of the final mixes, and I am so excited for you to hear the new music in 2023.
Although the new album will be my focus in the first part of 2023, I continue working on the 2 new illustrated books.
To my surprise, an additional wave of creative inspiration and energy hit at the beginning of November. I have always loved the feel of seasonal music.
I have been pulled into researching and playing through the treasure trove of winter and Christmas music from centuries past. I have created many arrangements of the ones that really sing to me, and will be recording the seasonal music for release next fall.
A big thanks to those who made it out for my concert in Water Valley on December 17th! It was a lovely evening of candlelight, song and story.
I hope there are many gifts for you over the deep heart of winter, and look forward to seeing you in person sometime soon.
Samhain: November 1, 2022
In the old Celtic calendar, this was a time of endings and beginnings…a time to honour the roots that nourish us, as we head into the longest nights of the year. The bees are no longer foraging, but preparing for their winter cluster.
It has been so delightful to be in schools this autumn. One of the schools created an amazing storytelling festival last week - and I was so inspired by the joy and courage of all the students. I am looking forward to the culmination of the other school later in November.
The new album ‘The Honey Roads’ is now complete and ready for mixing and mastering. I am thrilled with it, and the new work will make its way out into the world sometime in the first part of 2023.
In the meantime - since the next phase will take some time, I am in the thick of working with both song and story.
The recent big snowstorms have reawakened my wintry creative instincts. I have been working with music arrangements for winter seasonal pieces I have long loved, and it is such a place of delight. In December, my plan is to spend time in the recording studio.
As I do this, I am also delighted to have pencil and paintbrush back in hand, and am working on the two new illustrated books.
I hope your own creative energies are strong and bright, and look forward to our paths crossing soon.
Autumn Equinox:
September 22nd, 2022
The Great Lady of Summer has gone now. She was magnificent. Wild in greenery, a riot of blossom, and too-warm, fragrant nights.
She leaves vivid memories of sweet cool shade…of flowing waters - blinding sunlight upon ripple…of heat lightning bright in the midnight.
Time to now embrace the magic of Autumn.
It has been amazing to be back in schools with harp and stories…it is just such a gift.
Most of the creative time in the summer was immersed in finishing up the audio clean up and finishing touches for the new music album.
In the next while, the new music will be ready for mixing and mastering, and it is exciting to think of sending the new music off into the world.
Hoping this brief update finds you well, with the bright song of Autumn singing to your heart.
Lughnasadh: August 1st, 2022
Delighting in the gentle flow of summer - I always love the changes in the woods here at the Celtic celebration of Lughnasadh.
The days are warm - there has been so much blue sky and sunshine - and the land begins to sing towards the harvest and the culmination of the growing season.
My primary focus has been completing the new recording this summer. As I finish some touch-ups and final adjustments to the arrangements, I am beginning to play with the design for the new CD. I look forward to sharing the new music this autumn.
It has also been good to continue work on the two illustrated books I am at work on. One is titled “Hearts On Fire’ - the third story from my storytelling album ‘Once Upon A Midwinter’. The other is a sweet seasonal story about a Christmas elf, and an adventure in a kindergarten classroom. Visual projects always seem to set their own pace, but I have hopes of seeing both completed in the months ahead.
I hope your summer has been filled with many small joys, and that our paths cross soon!
Summer Solstice: June 21, 2022
The Beauty in every direction out here in the woods is beyond the measure of words…
I love summer!
The final school storytelling residencies and performances were just magical…I adore this work I get to do. It has been exciting to plan with schools for residency experiences for next school year.
It was delightful also to be able to return to the Water Valley Celtic Festival.
Now, the quiet time comes. The summer span will have its own rhythms…with finishing up the new album ‘The Honey Roads’ for an autumn release, as well as my third illustrated book.
May Summer’s arrival find you well and strong, and I look forward to our paths crossing soon.
Water Valley Celtic Festival 2022
So excited to be performing 2 sets Saturday,
June 18, 2022:
9:00AM: Songs on the Celtic Harp
Water Valley Church
1:30 PM: Stories on the Celtic Harp
Beltane: May 1, 2022
The bright of Beltane has come between snowfalls, and it is wondrous.
In the warm days that have appeared, I was able to see my first butterfly, honeybee and mosquito…winged promises that the wintry touches will pass away into summer blue
One of the most joyous things from the past months has been my storytelling residencies in schools. All of them have been magical! It was particularly incredible to be able to have a live, in-person school storytelling festival again! The staff and students were phenomenal, and there were so many smiles from the big audiences that came out.
How I missed those adventures!
I look forward to one more in-person celebration as the school year heads into its final months, and I am excited about the bookings for the 2022/2023 school year.
Happily, I also sold out of my entire stock of illustrated books in the last two weeks, and have just ordered more. Big thanks to everyone who has been supporting that work.
My schedule has a touch more breathing room in the next weeks, and I am excited to get into the final touches and mixing/mastering of the new music album.
One last note…the Water Valley Celtic Festival returns this year…I look forward to my set on June 18, and hope you can come out and enjoy the sweetness of this little festival.
May warm sunshine find you in the days to come.
Spring Equinox: March 20, 2022
The bright half of the year begins to unfold, and the sunlight is glorious. Spring Equinox has come, with the momentary magic of equal day and night. I am delighted to see the beginnings of the signs of spring.
The storytelling residency work in schools is just delightful. I have missed those playful in-person adventures so much! Two of the residencies conclude just before spring break, and I am so looking forward to those to come after.
Although I have published many articles over the years, my first ‘official’ article (as defined in some circles) has been published! I was asked to write a feature pice by the Writer’s Union of Canada for their storytelling issue of ‘Write Magazine’. I received my hard copy and it is fun to see my work in print.
In the quiet times, I continue onwards with the small steps involved in the latest illustrated book and the new music recording. The new CD will be mixed and mastered in May 2022, and I am really excited to start planning for its release in the months following completion.
For now, my new podcast ‘Stories Are Medicine’ is now available for listening! The first episode is titled ‘Harps’. Enjoy!
May the sweet song of spring bring you new hope and new energy.
Imbolc: February 1st, 2022
The Celtic celebration of Imbolc marks the midway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. It is so joyful to see the sun rising earlier each day on my commutes for storytelling with the harp.
Delighted to have been back in schools since mid January! Each day is amazing, and I am truly grateful.
Adjusting to winter schedules resulted in a slight pause with the recording work…but it is time to pick things up again.
The harp is recorded for all 13 tracks, as well as all the percussion and vocals. I just need some time with my engineer hat on to select the final vocals. I should have some exciting news about the new music around the spring equinox.
My third illustrated book has been quietly coming along…I now have sketches for every page in my rough layout, and it is time to start refining all the drawings. I am hopeful to be in a place where I can begin painting as the growing season approaches.
I am hoping you are enjoying the growing sunlight, and that our paths cross soon.
Winter Solstice:
December 21, 2021
In the old Celtic tales, the Old Woman Of Winter takes the throne at the winter solstice. An Cailleach has arrived, bringing her hammer of winter’s strength. The bees are huddled deep in their winter cluster…and it is a privilege to have some slow time to gather in close here at home.
It has been so joyful to be back out in schools this past autumn, wrapped in the wonder of stories and storytelling. I am so looking forward to heading back out for new adventures in January.
For now, I am savouring the sweetness of home - and the draft pieces for my new recording. As violinist Darcy Stamp has been working with the new songs, it has been pretty amazing to hear what he is bringing to each song. The new recording (titled ‘The Honey Roads’) has 13 tracks. Darcy will be adding violin to 10 of them.
I will be finishing the vocal work over my break, and the hope is to have the new pieces mixed and mastered in the next while.
Even though there are months yet until things will be ready to be shared out into the world - I am so excited to share the new music with you.
I hope your midwinter celebrations are filled with the comforts of home, and many moments that make your heart sing.
Samhain: November 1, 2021
With the Celtic celebration of Samhain, a new year begins. In the wheel of the year, it is a time to make peace with endings, dream of new beginnings, and honour those who came before us.
I have been in the thick of the new music album for nearly two months, and am nearing the point where the new music can be handed over to violinist Darcy Stamp. I am really excited to share the new music in 2022!
The illustration work for the two books I am working on continues in the quiet moments, and I look forward to being able to return to painting in the months ahead.
It has been the happiest thing to return to in-person storytelling work in schools! It has been such a joy to be back in the playful wisdom of children.
My residency spaces for this school year are now filled until mid-May 2022. There is space in my calendar from mid-May until the end of June 2022.
I hope this finds you well, and slipping into the comforting rhythms of the time of the long nights.
Autumn Equinox:
September 22nd, 2021
The forest here is a sea of green and gold, and the autumn sun has been extraordinary. I love this time of year, and the return of the longer nights.
I received some delightful news at the end of the summer. I had applied for an Alberta Music Micro Grant at the beginning of July, and am delighted that grant has been approved. The funds will make it possible to bring the musicianship of violinist Darcy Stamp into my new music recording, and I couldn’t be more thrilled.
I have spent the past weeks finalizing music arrangements, resetting the home studio out here in the woods, and getting started with the recording process. There are 9 songs I am in the midst of recording, along with a short prelude and postlude for the album.
It is an exciting thing to be wrapped in the music right now.
I am also slowly working on 2 new illustrated books, as well as material for a new storytelling recording. All of these are longer projects, but dear to my heart.
I am so looking forward to returning to my storytelling work in schools.
I am hoping the beginning of Autumn finds you well and happy!
Lughnasadh: August 1st, 2021
Honeycombs fill, bees dive headlong into blossom, and the nights become longer in the deep summer heat. The land sings towards harvest.
It was magical to travel to the Shuswap lakes for the Blessings Upon Blessings course at Sorrento retreat centre. It is a beautiful place, and it was really delightful to be in an in-person teaching space again…The people in my course were so remarkable, and my heart is filled with many sweet memories.
Delightful to have returned home, and to savour the summer beauty here.
I am the midst of illustration and design work for two new illustrated books. This work teaches me a great deal about the slowness, and allowing things to grow on the page without forcing. I am also steadily recording the music that has come over the past years, and looking forward to bringing the incredible musicianship of violinist Darcy Stamp into the music.
I am excited about the school storytelling residencies that are lined up for the school year ahead!
I hope this brief update finds your heart strong, and that you are able to create time to savour the sweet slowness of summer.
Summer Solstice: June 20, 2021
The longest day of the solar year, and it is a glorious one.
I am hoping this finds you well and happy…and able to savour the sheer beauty of the summer season.
It has been such a gift to be able to do a couple of online residencies this year…and I am so hopeful for the return of in person work in the fall.
The summer beckons…with a great adventure with my 4 day Blessings course at Sorrento retreat centre. Only a couple of spots remain.
The rest of the summer is for savouring the beauty…and for some pretty joyful recording and illustrating work.
More on all that later in the summer.
For now - may there be sunshine and sweet moments ahead of you this summer!
Beltane: May 1, 2020
The green begins to appear….the buds swell…and I saw my first honeybee the other day…Beltane has come.
It has been so exciting to see the release of my second illustrated book! “Hilzie Hickathrift & The Winter Wyrm” is now available, and I am so excited to share it with you.
This has been one of my big works over the past 2 years, and it is thrilling to hold the completed work in my hands.
It is available in both colour and black and white versions, as is my first illustrated book “Babcia & Babushka Brittlebones”.
It has also been exciting to start a new virtual storytelling residency with Ian Bazelgette School…the students are amazing, as are the staff.
I have two upcoming online workshops coming up in May. The first “The Art Of Dreaming” for Wellspring Calgary…the second ‘Blessing Weaving” with the Sorrento Centre at the end of May.
I trust that this brief update finds you well, and dreaming strong into a bright future.
APRIL 21, 2021
Just a quick note (and some confetti and balloons) to let you know that my brand new illustrated book has just been released! I am so excited for you to see it! The links for purchasing are now live…enjoy!!
Spring Equinox:
March 20, 2021
We now cross the threshold into the brightest time of the year, and the brilliant spring sunshine is spectacular. The bees are readying themselves for the growing season, and it is wonderful to see the trees readying themselves for the greening to come.
It has been so joyous to be able to bring my storytelling into schools again (virtually)…I have missed that part of my work enormously. It has been quite amazing to see how well things have worked, even separated by over 100km from my live audiences. The student showcases (all recorded for sharing digitally with their families) are so well done! I look forward to the upcoming work in that realm as our human world slowly moves towards in-person events again.
It has also been wonderful to be able to do some staff storytelling PD dates online. I always marvel at the passion and playfulness of teachers, and the conversations have been rich and rewarding.
I am also looking forward to some virutal workshops at Welsspring in May 2021!
Hooray! My brand new illustrated book is at last ready for print! The paintings were completed early in January, and the first formatting work was completed in February. I have needed to rethink a few things in relation to the colours that are possible in print. What you see on a computer screen is not what printers are able to do. So, the time-consuming re-adjustments are now complete. I am SO excited to hold ‘Hilzie Hickahtrift & The Winter Wyrm’ in my hands!
I will be updating the website with new purchase links, and the book will be available in April.
Stay tuned!
I hope the promise of the growing season is lifting your spirits, and that you have an abundance of new opportunities in your world.
Imbolc: February 1st, 2021
Imbolc is the quickening time, with signs everywhere that change is coming. Although winter’s power remains strong, the days grow longer, and there is a hint of the growing season to come.
The honeybees are still wrapped in their winter cluster, and dreaming of the warm times to come.
It has been exciting to start some storytelling work with schools online! Although it is not possible to be in the building with students right now - classrooms thrive with inspiration.
So, if I can’t come through the door with my harp, a window it is!
There is still space in my schedule to bring some story magic into your school, so feel free to reach out and explore the possibilities with me. I can be reached at contact@jeffstockton.ca
The artwork for my second illustrated book is now complete! I am working daily in formatting the layout, and am so excited to share the book with the world soon.
‘Hilzie Hickathrift & The Winter Wyrm’ is one of my favourite stories, and one that has been a huge favourite for live audiences. I am thrilled to see it come together in book form.
It is my sincere hope that these words find you well and thriving - and that the promise of new beginnings is making itself known to you.
Winter Solstice:
December 21, 2020
The snow began at sunset, and the world dreams deeply under the white…solstice wraps us in stillness.
Out under the silence, bees are held strong in their winter cluster…may the winter be gentle with them.
My sincerest thanks to all who have been supporting and purchasing the new book…I am so touched.
Delighted to head into the quiet time ahead, and the small celebrations that are such strong reminders of the power of joy and love.
I am hoping your own celebrations are filled with warmth, tenderness and hope.
November 1, 2020
In the Celtic turning of the year, a new year begins at this time of year. In the wheel of the year, it is a time to make peace with endings, dream of new beginnings, and honour those who came before us.
With the enormous dose of winter weather we recently had, the bees have drawn in for the winter to come.
As I was outside yesterday - setting up a small beacon for Samhain Eve - I had to stop and take in a beautiful sight...
On the summer solstice, a doe gave birth to two fawns out in front the studio on the land where we live.
Yesterday, they - and 3 others - were laying on the grass in different locations all around the main house. It was a beautiful thing to see on the beginning of a new turning of the year...and filled me with a sense of hope.
I am beyond excited to have my new illustrated book “Babcia & Babushka Brittlebones’ now making its way out into the world! This has been such a creation of love, and it is absolutely thrilling to see it as a REAL book.
If you haven’t already, check out the ’store’ page for all the info on how a copy can be yours.
I am also excited to be performing at Telus Spark in Calgary November 6, 13 and 20, 2020. The thought of being on a real stage, with a real (safely distanced) audience…is a really beautiful thing!
As the long nights of the year settle in…as we all continue to adapt and adjust to the changes in our world…I hope this brief update finds you well and joyful.
Autumn Equinox:
September 22nd, 2020
Surrounded by a sea of gold and green, the autumn sun sails the skies. Some very late blooming sweetpeas are luring the bees as they prepare for the season of the long nights.
The paintings for Hilzie Hickathrift and the Winter Wyrm are coming along, and it is a joy to still have warm afternoons to work with the paints outside.
It has also been exciting to feel a few years of composing beginning to come together for some new recording work. I always love it when the music starts to feel ready for the next phase.
And most exciting, the illustrated book I completed painting last summer is beginning the journey from my private library out into the world. Details to come!
It is my hope that the time of harvest finds you well and savouring gifts in your own life.
Lughnasadh: August 1st, 2020
The bees dance through the summer heat, and the forest is full of birdsong. Such a gift to be surrounded by the steady song of the seasons in this time of human uncertainty.
Out here in the woods, the summer has been focussed on the current illustrated book. It has been such a gift to have blocks of time daily in the warm shade, slowly watching the watercolours bring the images to life. I have slowed the painting for a time, as the dragon in ‘Hilzie Hickathrift & The Winter Wyrm’ needs a little tweaking. It will take the next week or two to make some adjustments to the images, and then it will be back to the work with paint.
All projects impose their own timeline…and though I had hoped to have everything completed by summer’s end, it will take some of the first part of the autumn before we reach that point.
I am so looking forward to all the storytelling residencies booked for the school year ahead. Stories teach that there are always opportunities in the unknown, and nothing brings people together like story does (even when physical distancing is involved)!
I can hardly wait to be back working with kids again, as I have missed it enormously during the months of school closure.
It is my sincere hope that this brief update finds you well, and that you are finding sweetness in the song of summer.
Summer Solstice: June 20, 2020
Windsong in leaves, hummingbirds dart in sunlight - summer solstice has come at last.
The sun stands still in the sky, blossom opens to bee, and the heart opens to summer’s song. It is faun time out here in the woods, and it is remarkable to catch glimpses of mother and the new ones through the branches.
The illustrations for the second book are complete now, with the occasional final touch up as I begin focussing each as single images with paint. There is nothing quite like watching the slow dance of brush stroke with water colour.
May moments of summer stillness catch up your heart in the days ahead.
Beltane: May 1, 2020
The time of Beltane (bright fire) has come again…and the natural world is beginning to waken. There is a sense of anticipation in the brilliant sunrise song of the robins…and soon, the Bees will be seen again. Time for some sweetness!
My work out in the world has paused with all of the changes in our human experience…but it is exciting to start thinking ahead to possibilities for the fall and winter.
Even though the current changes will have ongoing effects, there is always a way forward. As schools have been booking storytelling residencies for the next school year, we have been exploring ways I can bring blended online and in person experiences into schools. Some exciting possibilities ahead.
As the weather warms, I am now working with some new original music and beginning to record the new pieces. I am also in the home stretch of completing the drawings for the second illustrated book ‘Hilzie Hickathrift and the Winter Wyrm’. I will begin painting the images in about 2-3 weeks, and this is something I am truly looking forward to.
May the Blessings of the summer winds find you and yours safe and well in the season ahead.
Spring Equinox:
March 21, 2020
Our human world has changed so much in such a short time…it is such a tremendous gift to look away from the screens and out into the greater world around us.
A moment of balance between the hours of day and night has come. The natural world reminds us that winter passes,
spring comes again,
the Bees will waken -
and new beginnings
always follow the barren times.
Singing Blessings your way.
Imbolc: February 1st, 2020
Imbolc, and the beginnings of signs of the coming spring. This year, the weather went from spring-like rain to a wild whirling snowstorm (with over a foot falling in a short span of time out here in the woods) within 24 hours.
I had been revisiting the ancient tale of Brigid and An Cailleach…with Brigid’s clever theft of 3 days of warm summer weather to break the hold of the Old Woman of Winter. And of course, the balancing of An Cailleach bringing forth three days of wild winter into the growing season. Small storyteller delights of watching this ancient tale play out in the world right outside my door…
Winter's stillness is still the victor, as the Bees slumber beneath the snows.
There is such wonder in the work I get to do with storytelling in schools. My winter season is flying by far too fast, with so much laughter and discovery with the young ones.
Creatively, I continue to be immersed in the power of the traditional music I have been delving into over the past months. There is something captivating about the distinctively Celtic dance tunes that I cannot get enough of right now. The new travel harp seems to be tailor made for these musical adventures.
And to balance the speed of the jigs and reels…the delightfully slow evolution of line into image with my illustrated books. I am now getting so close to a printable black and white draft of ‘Hilzie Hickathrift & The Winter Wyrm’. It is my hope that the spring will see these 40 or so line drawings completed.
And the spring will also see the first book (Babcia & Babushka Brittlebones) in print!
It is my hope that the wisdom of the turning seasons brings you steadfast strength in your own travels through the world.
Winter Solstice:
December 21, 2019
Stillness, silence, and the deepest of nights…the time of the Winter Solstice has come. This year, the magic of snow makes the gifts and beauty of the winter season even more clear and present. It has been magical to mark this passage in the year with simplicity…focussed on the daily bounty of home. The smell of homemade soup and fresh baked bread fills the house, and time at the new harp woven all throughout the day.
The weeks ahead involve the annual delight of letting the wider world slide into the background - like the hills lost in the falling snow. Time with family, firelight and slow time sounds so welcome to my heart.
I look forward to the adventures ahead in the new calendar year, and hope that this winter season brings rest and simple joys to you as well.
Samhain: November 1st, 2019
In the turning of the Celtic calendar, we have come to the end and the beginning of the year…the long nights have arrived, and the time of firelight, song and story is here.
The time of Samhain has come in with snow and cold…and the arrival of a new instrument. The new travel harp is a beauty - and actually arrived at sunset on October 31st. I have been quite focussed on the new instrument - getting the feel for the weight, and it is just a dream to play.
It was pretty joyful to be able to perform with it on the evening of November 2 at an evening event at the Water Valley events centre. The harp has a big, bright voice, and was in fine form for a suspenseful story. I am so looking forward to seeing where this new instrument leads me.
The story adventures in schools continue to amaze me…I feel so fortunate to be able to do what I do.
I have been hard at work on the illustrations for the second book. The first book (Babushka Brittlebones) is all complete…just waiting for the right time to launch it off into the world.
For now, life is full and rich…I am savouring the gifts that come with this turn in the wheel of the seasons, and hoping that you are able to do the same.
Autumn Equinox:
September 23rd, 2019
I am so grateful for the place I call home. Living in the countryside - even in the most hectic tides of Life - every single day, there is something of astonishing beauty that catches my eye, and thus my heart.
Today, on the Autumn Equinox, I am amazed at the quality of the light. The sky is so brilliantly blue that it hurts the eyes.
All I can see from where I stand, are rolling hills - countless trees alight with brilliant green and golden yellow. The Bees are phenomenally busy, diving into the last flowers on the deck, dancing in preparation for the cold times to come.
There are such gifts in simple moments of stillness.
It gives me a moment to see where I am again.
September has been delightful, with a return to my work with story in schools. It seems a bit strange to be looking into the past for Summer (it seemed like it would go on forever). It was such a gift to have hours every day painting the images for the book.
The paintings are now complete - which is truly exciting! They have all been scanned and placed. In the next couple of months, I will find the right place to self-publish, and I am so looking forward to sending the storybook of Babcia and Babushka Brittlebones out into the world.
Until it is time to make that happy announcement, I trust that you are discovering moments of stillness and beauty as the season of Autumn brings it magic to the world.
Lughnasadh: August 1st, 2019
Summer weaves its magic, and the world is full of wonders. The song of the Harvest is becoming stronger as the days become noticeably shorter. It is such a delight to have time to savour all this, and to watch the Honeybees dive into the blossoms around the house.
This has been a summer of creative magic for me, and I am so grateful. There has been time each day for the harp…and it has been such fun to be playing with arrangements for fast traditional pieces of music. It has also been a time with effortless hours each day painting and drawing.
The 31 illustrations for the first book have all been painted, and it is incredible to see the progress in each image as the days pass. There was a bit of a reality check at the end of July with scanning the images. Watercolour has a tough time translating digitally. So, back to the images! I am in the place now of deepening the colour palette for most of the images so that they can translate with more vibrancy.
It is exciting to know that the images will be all done and scanned by the time I return out into the world as a storyteller when September comes around.
It is my hope that your own creative endeavours are rich at this time, and that you are able to soak in the summer beauty all around.
Summer Solstice: June 21, 2019
Ahhh…the sweetness of summer! My work with storytelling has come to its annual pause, and the Bees dance between the raindrops to the blossoms just outside. It has been such a good season of work with stories.
As the summer begins to stretch before me, I am in the thick of painting images for the first illustrated book. Most of the 36 illustrations have colour on them somewhere, and about a third of them are getting close to being finished. As with all creations, this has its own timeline, and I don’t want to rush it. It will take some time to scan, format and balance the images once they are done…but it is much easier to imagine this heading out into the world this year.
I am continuing the line drawing work on the other two books as I go, and look forward to many hours with my easel outside this summer.
It has been pretty delightful to have daily time with the harp as well lately. My fingers have been finding their way into quicker pieces, and the two in particular have been inspired by my fascination with Bees. I look forward to being able to weave them into concert performances in the months ahead.
I love performing at the Water Valley Celtic Festival each year, and this year was delightful. Fine weather, and a delightful audience in the Water Valley Church made for a great last performance before the summer hiatus.
I am hoping the wonders of summer are singing to your heart also, and that our paths cross soon.
Beltane: May 1, 2019
At the time of Beltane, I find myself looking and listening for the Bees. This year, there was no trace with the grand snowstorm and snowy week following…but I know the song of the Bees is growing stronger, and it won’t be long until they are seen dancing from bloom to bloom.
A lovely instrumental piece began coming through on the harp with this Bee listening…a song that will be called something like ‘Bee to Blossom’. It has been some time since a new instrumental piece has come, and it has been sheer magic to get lost in the song of the harp for long blocks of time. It makes me smile to think of being able to play this song outside in the warm sunshine sometime soon.
The travels to Spain were wonderful…spending time by the ocean in San Sebastian was an especially rich gift. We are now in the home stretch with story adventures in schools for this school year! It is such fulfilling work.
The story illustrations were paused with the travels and returns, and I look forward to diving back into them soon.
I am hoping that spring is in full swing where you are, and that our paths cross soon!
Spring Equinox
March 20, 2019
Equinox has come…a time of perfect balance between day and night, with the full moon brilliant in the night sky. The time of Bees and sweetness is coming once more!
Brilliance was on full display at the most recent school storytelling celebration! I feel so incredibly fortunate to be able to work with young people. They inspire me constantly, and I am so grateful to each and every one of them.
It has been an exciting time, with the new CD being recognized with a Storytelling World award. It means a great deal, and I am off to Spain in a couple of weeks to celebrate this milestone!
I have now completed the last of the line drawings for the illustrated book of Babcia & Babushka Brittlebones. It has been a slow process, but I am delighted with how everything looks! I have begun bringing colour to the images with watercolours, and am hopeful the first book will see completion and release late spring/early summer.
It is my hope that the sun and warmth have found you also, and that our paths may cross soon!
February 13, 2019
Today, the winners of the 2019 Storytelling World Awards were announced, and I am thrilled that the new storytelling CD “Once Upon A Midwinter” has won an award!
So excited and honoured - this calls for a little celebration!
February 1st, 2019
Imbolc - in the old Celtic calendars, a time that sings of the promise of spring time, and the coming of renewal after the deeps of winter.
Winter still has some teeth with the cold temperatures, but the growing daylight is a welcome thing! The story adventures in schools bring me so much joy…and the longer days make the travels to and from much easier.
After some slow time at the beginning of January, I am back at work on the illustrated books, as well as spending some time on the creation of new stories. It has also been good to spend a little more time with the harp lately, letting the instrument sing. This is always the space where new music begins to flow, and I welcome that after such a span of focus on the magic of stories.
I am hoping the growing daylight brings you renewed energy in the time ahead, and look forward to our paths crossing soon.
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